Contact Details

Contact Details

Call us

For advice, please call our Ipswich Adviceline on:

0808 278 7867

This line is open 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
(closed on bank holidays)

If you need to change or cancel an existing appointment, please call 01473 298 633.
This number is for appointment queries only - no advice can be given on this line.

Office Switchboard: 01473 219 770
For management, accounts, administration, partner organisations and press enquiries.
This number is not for client use - our business support staff cannot transfer calls to advice teams.

Email us

For advice, please send us a message and our advisers aim to respond within 5 working days.

Visit us

Please note, there might unfortunately be days where we're not able to offer a drop-in service or see you face-to-face at the moment.
Our Core service is mainly delivered by volunteers, and the extremely high demand for our services is limiting the service we can offer at present.

Drop-in Advice Sessions: 9:30am - 3pm, Tuesday to Friday

These sessions are for initial assessments - if we can't resolve your query at this stage, we'll offer you an appointment to return for more detailed advice.

Citizens Advice Ipswich
Tower House
17 Tower Street

A map and parking information is available on our how to find us page.